Archive for December, 2007

What To Write

Posted in A Day In The Life with tags , on December 27, 2007 by David

During the past few days, I took to roaming around the web. By roaming, I mean visiting the usual sites I normally visit. I noticed many had not been updated in a week or so. Holidays will do that to you I suppose.

Then I came across a co-worker’s blog which, though not updated daily, it was a lot more recent than others I had seen. Josh’s blog is about life, reaction, happenings and successes and what is being learned.

He had written about Amazon shipping (or not shipping) a gift he bought, police cars keeping him from his house, the proper way of heating up oatmeal and bananas and a host of other things.

I started wondering how he found so much to write about.

The obvious part is, he is writing about what happens to him, his reactions to it, and shares his thoughts with anyone who will stop by and read.

So maybe that is what is needed to get things moving even further along than they are. Find something simple which happens during the day, write about it, twist it, write a poem about it, create a greeting card from it, write a short play or monologue or the like.

See what happens, let the words flow and see what your thoughts are in the process.

Run for The Roses

Posted in A Day In The Life with tags , , , , on December 18, 2007 by David

When Dan Fogelberg passed away this past Saturday, one song of his came to mind more than any other. It sums us pretty much what living life is about.

To take a single moment and go for it. To make the most from it. To enjoy it, live it and give it everything you’ve got. We must “Run For The Roses.”

And it’s run for the roses as fast as you can
Your fate is delivered, your moment’s at hand
It’s the chance of a lifetime in a lifetime of chance
And it’s high time you joined in the dance

God bless you Dan, and thank you. R.I.P.

Bizzy Isn’t Quite the Right Word

Posted in Just Me with tags , , on December 14, 2007 by David

As 2007 winds it’s way to an end, I am finding myself becoming busier and busier. Ok, it’s my own choice, and it is the right thing to do. As has been stated before, change is a good thing if you have a reason to do it.

In the year ahead, there will be plenty of new things I’ll be involved with. Some of them, I know what they are already. Other projects will come along when it is time for them to be done. I guess that’s how it always is.

In the year ahead, there will be more videos, more ebooks, more organized postings, more articles, more involvement with others and their projects and maybe even more opportunities.

That’s the feeling at the moment. It is more work, but in the end, it shall be more than worth it.

Born Standing Up – Bringing Dedication to One’s Craft

Posted in What I'm Reading on December 2, 2007 by David

I just finished reading Steve Martin’s “biography” (as he calls it) “Born Standing Up – A Comic’s Life.”

While true, it is about his life, it is more than just a re-telling of things that happened to him. It’s not just of his childhood, his teen years, his early adult life or his career on stage. It’s about the dedication one has to what it is they do. To the need to constantly improve. To the love for what it is they were born to do.

For me, writing has always been a part of what I’ve done. I know I haven’t always taken the time or made the effort to continuously make it my writing better or push myself further than what was needed on a given day. (Well, that’s what Steve’s book has shown me).

So I am now making the commitment to do more, write more, focus more and create more than I have in the past. To do anything less, would just be silly.

Writing – because it matters.   David