Night Of Yet Another Day

Nope. I have no idea what the title of this post has to do with anything. It’s just one of those things which popped (or pooped) in my head as I opened the blog. Maybe it is because it’s night and I wished the day to be longer. Or is this some symbolic moment where the day is ending and it actually has been just another day like many others before it.

No matter the case, it is what it is. The past week has been filled with waiting, wondering, rushing only to wait. contemplations of future events and activities only to be mixed up with a few others along the way.

Anyway, what makes this day a bit different than others is the fact I am typing without the addition of a cable keeping me locked to a wall where the Internet totally runs my typing space. With my girlfriends wireless connection, I have the ability to move a whopping 32 feet away and still be able to log in and type things.. and hopefully send them.

It is a nice night, and I am still awake-getting back to my night owl days of years past. And yes, that is a good thing.

What differences have you seen this week in your own world, be it writing, work, or whatever?

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